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1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ~ Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. ~Susana M.

The youngest grandchild C
Welcome to our family memorial site 
love SusanaM and John Jr.

Our family has had many losses but, we havebalso had much  
to be thankful for.
All our moms grandchildren are alive and well. 
I realized with so many
angels I should be specific. 
One of them her first great grandchild turned 3.
He’s such a blessing. After Grandma left to heaven this precious baby
was born about 9 months later.
So, I rejoice for everyday with
him and his mom has been a
And all our boys would do
anything to protect him.  
They have a beautiful bond.
  Mom and Linda would be proud. 
Linda’s son will be graduating this year. 
Its hard to believe how much time has gone by. 
She would be so proud of both her children.

Cj and Gabi have both also been well. They are both focusing on their goals and achieving them one step at a time.
Gabi is succeeding in school and
Cj is working hard. 

Thankyou to everyone who gives their continued support and prayers. 


I just got ownership of my grandma and grandpas findagrave pages


Latest Memories
Susana and John Jr. Regan Happy Heavenly Birthday July 27, 2016
This year I decided to stay offline and remember you in my own way. I miss you so much. I wish you could see your kids and grandson. Lol I can't believe you are abuelita. Lol oh the fun we would've had. I am just living in the moment now. Life is too short. So I will remember you when I go home.
Susana and John Jr. Regan Miss you June 13, 2016
Life just never gets easier, he harder I try the harder I fall. Praying for angel help today. 
Susana and John Jr. Regan Awesomeness June 7, 2016
I am Finally getting them done a page at a time. Today Mr. Phillip,Lira now has photos added to every site. A big job worth seeing finished. I'm also saddened at the loss of my dear friend Mercedes Wenk our newest angel. My thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. I seek comfort knowing she and my grandma have each other as friends and neither are in anymore agonizing pain.Thanks to everyone who made this years angel dates so much more peaceful. Live love and be blessed. 
Susana and John Jr. Regan So many angels this year to be added. May 29, 2016
I feel So sad for all the angels I was not told about until long after the fact or the ones that weren't acknowledged. So, I have been diligently trying to get them all recognized on our family site. So many that were more family to me than my own blood were also added. So please stay posted for my updates. 
Heavenly thanks and wishes to Grandpa Harold Regan, pop Alphonse Rocco Casillo and Mr. Lira. Thankyou for all your service.  
Susana and John Jr. Regan thinking of you May 27, 2016
oh, how i miss you and wish you were here to see all these kids and how they are doing,
all my love
Quick Gallery
Mikey Deti Dottie and Susie Fudruckers PhillipFelipe Lira My angel baby Linda as kid Phillip Felipe Lira That was with me Baby Linda and Susie if sis Grandma shirleyCasillo Linda two years old